In the first few minutes of the episode, we learn that Sawyer does not have the sickness that Sayid and Claire have. This is good news.

Recon was a Sawywer-centric episode. In the flash sideways, we learn that Sawyer is a detective with the LAPD and Myles is his partner. He had recently taken some time off to go to Australia and returned on Oceanic flight 815 to return to his job tracking down con men, particularly Anthony Cooper, the man who caused his dad to kill his mom and then himself. There was no insight as to whether he has a daughter or any kind of relationship with her. Funny thing is in LAX, he asked the airport police the meaning of the code they called but if he was a cop, he would have known...or maybe it was just Sawyer being himself.
The cameos were prevalent in that Myles arranges a date between Sawyer and Charlotte. So it appears that Charlotte never went looking for the Island and is alive. The date didn't go so well as Charlotte accidentally discovered the family pic and an article of the murder/suicide.
Sayid is still on the dark side and Claire is still crazy...she tried to kill Kate.
I'm kinda over the cameos in the flash sideways...Sawyer apprehends Kate who is as usual on the run...Get to more of the big questions already.
Flocke sent Sawyer to Hydra Island to check out Whidmore and his team who arrived on the submarine. He's tricked by a woman named Zoe who brings him down into the sub to converse with Whidmore. BIG QUESTION: Why is Whidmore suddenly interested in Flocke and no longer Ben? Is he after them both? And what was the relationship (if any) between Whidmore and Jacob? Whidmore admitted to Sawywer that the freighter crew was sent to kill everyone on the island. Sawyer is now a double agent as he told Whidmore that Flocke would be coming and then told Flocke everything. Saywer clearly thinks one of these guys will get him and Kate off the island.

Well this episode was all well and good but what I'm totally stoked about is next week's Richard-centric episode!!! Finally, we will learn all about the mystery that is Richard Alpert.

How and when did he get to the island? Why wasn't he as close to Jacob as we were led to believe? Is he good or evil? Was he a slave or a slave-master on the Black Rock??? Ab Aeterno definitely promises to be a series-defining episode. The trailer alone was insane! What does Richard mean when he says "All this is not what you think it is" in reference to the Island? Here's to next week...LOST IS THE BEST SHOW EVER!
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