So Ben revealed to everyone that he’s known Richard since he was 12 years old and that he hasn’t aged.
Who is Hurley speaking to in Spanish? Is Jacob multi-lingual?
He says it's not Jacob. Well whoever it is, it's someone who's dead.
Oh snap, Richard’s Puerto Rican?
Who is that playing the wife, Penelope Cruz? Jennifer Beals?
Richard and his wife Isabella were going to The New World so he learned to speak English. Just like Sun learned to speak English to start a new life.
Richard gave all his money to the doctor.
I guess they don’t have universal healthcare.
OK so it turns out Richard killed the doctor by accident.
Oh this is jacked up, they’re gonna hang Richard. It was an accident. Geeze!
Let’s see how he goes from prisoner to the Island.
They were gonna hang him but then he revealed he could speak English. See why it’s important to learn another language?
Looks like Richard is being sold to Magnus Hanso as a slave. Whoa, a throwback to Season 2. So Richard was a slave…I knew it!

The Black Rock is headed to the Island as evidenced by the statue of Taweret. But didn't The Black Rock come to the Island on a sunny day in the finale of Season 4? I will chalk this up to the sudden weather changes on the Island as evidenced by seasons 1-5.

Oh snap, The Black Rock crashed into Taweret! That’s why only one foot is left.

I love this show.
Why is dude killing everyone??
OK, he says because if he doesn’t kill them, they’ll kill him.
It’s obvious Richard is a man of faith from the scenes back with his sick wife, which is an allusion to Locke’s beliefs.
Smokey to Richard’s rescue?!!
Oh snap. OMG. Smokey is killing the slave master’s crew.
Smokey killed the slave master Flight 815 style!!
This episode freaking rocks!!
[Commercial] I can do without the V recap!
OK Nestor Carbonell deserves an Emmy for this physically demanding sequence.
Richard’s seeing dead people…must be Smokey in disguise.
Isabella thinks Smokey is the devil. It’s important to note that she looked into his eyes and all she saw was evil. She’s a credible source because again, it was clear that she and Richard were Christians.
OMG this is heartbreaking! “Isabella! Isabella!”
MIB comes to Richard's aid?
He introduces himself as “a friend.”
Jacob introduced himself to Hurley as "a friend." Hmmm, very interesting...
MIB tells Richard he’s dead.
Is he lying??
MIB says he wants to be free. (That's what he told Sawyer also.)
MIB wants Richard’s help. (Just like he wanted Sawyer's help.)
MIB frees Richard from his chains.
“It’s good to see you out of those chains.”
MIB is clearly using Richard to “kill the devil” who is Jacob.
So he’s lying to Richard because we know MIB is Smokey, which means he was appearing to Richard as Isabella, just like he appears to Jack as Christian Shephard.
My money is on Jacob as “good” and Smokey as “evil” because Smokey doesn’t mind killing people at whim.
So Smokey wants Richard to kill Jacob just like he wanted Ben to kill Jacob.
He’s waited a long long time by the time Ben kills Jacob.
MIB says the same thing Dogon said to Sayid…”if he speaks, it will be too late. Kill him.”
MIB tells Richard the devil has his wife. Richard’s not buying MIB’s spiel.
If the ship crashed into the statue, how did it wind up so inland?
Oh snap, someone’s kicking Richard's &%$...It’s Jacob and he can fight!
"You’re not dead." (Jacob to Richard)
So why does Richard tell the Losties they’re dead if Jacob proved to him that he’s not dead? IS HE WORKING FOR MIB??? But if he is, why is he so petrified when he realizes Flocke is MIB after Ben killed Jacob???
What an awesome episode and what a great show!!!
Damn, it’s 9:53 already?? No more commercials already!
What’s with all these new wack shows? None of them will measure up to LOST so why bother watching?
Will Jacob explain the ash?
Jacob says he’s not the devil. And no one comes in unless he invites them in.
Jacob says he brought the ship to the Island.
The Island is the only thing keeping the darkness (MIB?) where it belongs.
Jacob says MIB believes people will come to the Island and do each other in.
Jacob feels they will get there and help each other out.
So Jacob brings people to the Island to prove that they will do the right thing.
Jacob gives Richard the “job” of representative for people he brings to the Island in the future.
Jacob grants Richard eternal life as requested...Jacob says he can't bring anyone back to life. But wasn't that what the spring at the Temple did?
Richard buries the gold cross in place of Isabella then digs it up in present day.
He says he changed his mind…wants to follow MIB!!
Well at least we know Richard wasn't working for MIB all along if he's saying he changed his mind.
What a beautiful location!
"Your wife sent me!" (Hurley to Richard)
Oh snap, it's Isabella! Is it Smokey or really her?
OK so it turns out Hurley was talking to Isabella at the top of the episode.
Hurley’s Spanish is awesome.
What does she mean “we are already together?” She’s dead. Or does she mean in spirit?
She said Richard has to stop the MIB or they will all go to hell. So the Island is not hell.
OK MIB wants off this Island!
OK so now we understand why MIB wants the candidates dead.
We still don’t know MIB’s name…Is it Esau?
I bet the boards at abc.com are off the HOOK right now!!
Only 7 new episodes until the series finale.
OK this episode is up there in my top 5.
LOST is the best show EVER!!!
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