Once again, I am typing while watching this episode:
The excitement is immense.
Please let this episode live up to "Sundown."
I thought Myles was gonna lie for Ben. Kinda glad he didn't because that would be too predictable.
I love Myles's sarcasm. He's like the new Sawyer.
By the way, where is Sawyer?
So in the flash sideways, Ben takes care of his dad instead of killing him.
Wow Ben and his dad were in Dharma just like before and then left the island. Does that means The Purge never happened?
Oh snap, Alex is in Ben's history club. They have a great relationship.
Ilana revealed to Sun that she's a candidate and that one of the 6 will be chosen to replace Jacob. Sun is like whatever girl, where's my husband?
That's cold...Ilana is making Ben dig his own grave.

Is Ben gonna be killed in his own centric episode?
Looks like the textbook Ben's teaching Alex from depicts the Black Rock.
Myles revealed that before he died, Jacob had hoped he was wrong about Ben. That's a biggie because it speaks to the whole good versus evil thing.
Yo Ilana is not playing.
Why would Richard tell Hurley not to believe what Jacob says? Funny how he could turn like that after all their history. Richard also reiterated that his agelessness is due to Jacob's touch. But if Jacob's touch results in agelessness, why wasn't that the case with Kate and Sawyer? They were touched as children. That kinda doesn't sound right...
Ok so Ben is still manipulative in the flash sideways...getting Artz to hack into the faculty email to get evidence of the principal's affair with the school nurse.
Richard returned to his chains on the Black Rock. I knew Smokey's statement was literal.
Richard can't kill himself just like Michael couldn't kill himself.
I think Richard may be testing Jack to see if he has it in him to kill someone. But we already know he is capable because he attempted to shoot Locke at the radio tower after Locke stabbed Naomi but there were no bullets in the gun.
Gotta love Hurleys comic relief.
Ok is Jack crazy? He's gonna blow himself up along with Richard.
Woooooow. They can't die!!!!! The dynamite didn't blow up.
Is Ben gonna be killed by Smokey/MIB/Flocke?
Oh snap! Smokey let Ben go and told him to go the other island a la Season 3.
OK now Ben has the principal by the balls...he's the old Ben we're used to.
Oh snap! Alex's last name is Rousseau which means Danielle could be somewhere in LA.
Ok Ilana is too savvy to have gotten herself in this position...to be held at gunpoint by Ben.
Wow, Ben's speech about why he killed Jacob turned Ilana around and she's willing to work with him.
Too many commercials...seems like more than usual.
I think Ben got played. His basis for blackmail was stronger than the principal's but this also shows that the island is where his true manipulative skills are their strongest.
Has Ben turned over a new leaf...helping Sun, joining forces with Ilana?
I will never trust Ben, not after all that he's done...maybe I'm wrong.
Wow what a touching reunion on the beach with Jack, Hurley, Sun, Myles and Lapidus.
Smokeys gotta be pissed at this point.
Ok who's in the sub?
Oh snap it's Whidmore!!!
The teaser for episode 8 is cryptic...not much info was given.
Good episode all in all I think.
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