OK to be honest, I don't have very high expectations for this episode
but here goes:
I guess that's Smokey with the night vision...and how much of people's
conversations has he heard up to this point?
Jin and Sun are released from LAX sans the $25,000. Bummer
Back at the hotel, the tables have turned...it appears that Sun is the
aggressive one of the two and by the way, they're not married. I
guess Jughead changed lots of things before Flight 815.
Whidmore's team shows up and drugs a few people to get Jin.
We learned that Smokey can't leave the island unless all candidates'
names have been crossed out. This is a revelation.
Flocke shows up at Sun's old garden to recruit her. Run, Sun, run!

[Although she's pictured here with Ben...a compassionate Ben?!?]
Oh snap, it's Keamy at Sun's door! But isn't he dead?
Come on now, Sun has been on the island long enough not to run into a
tree. (But at least she ran!)

Whidmore's team has Jin and Flocke is very upset.
Oh snap, they took Jin to Room 23. That's where the Others were
holding Carl.
Oh snap, Zoe's got a stun gun.
Jin demands to see Whidmore.
It appears that Claire is more sane that we were led to believe.
What does Flocke mean Kate's name isn't on the cave wall "anymore?"
Love Sawyer's sarcasm: "Cant you just turn into smoke and fly your $%#
over there?" Flocke says he can't do that. Is it that he can't or is
he afraid that they've erected the pylons Sawyer was talking about?
Where's Hurley...and Richard?
I thought this would be kind of a filler episode but I guess they
can't really afford those with only a few episodes left to the series.
Will Keamy discover Jin wherever he's hiding in the hotel room?

Who's the other goon? I thought these guys were dead.
Oh snap, Keamy made a racist remark: "Feels like I'm in a &*%$ Godzilla
Oh snap, it's Patchy from the Flame Station and he's still a multi linguist!

These cameos are insane!
Sun can't speak English anymore after running into the tree and bumping her head!
Richard's back and he appears to have a plan.
Flocke encounters the pylons and Whidmore's army over on Hydra Island.
Oh snap, Flocke and Whidmore are face to face!
Flocke went to Hydra to get Jin. Whidmore lied and said he doesn't have
Jin. Flocke declares WAR!!!
OK this episode officially rocks.
Richard says they're going to Hydra Island. His plan is kinda
lame...to blow up the plane so Flocke can't leave on it.
Sun's infuriated...tells off Richard in Korean.
Oh snap, this episode was a flashback! It's Keamy and the other dude
at the restaurant when they're killed by Sayid.
This show is ridiculously well done!
Turns out Keamy was supposed to kill Jin for the $25,000 Jin was transporting. Sun's father is COLD!
Keamys gonna freeze Jin to death anyway.
What is the package in the submarine??
Aww, Jin sees Ji Yeon for the first time. Whidmore's playing the fatherhood card.
Whidmore to Jin: "It's time you see the package."

OMG the suspense is extra crazy stupid immense!!
Sayid didn't kill Jin...that's good.
Patchy's pissed that his comrades are dead.
It's an armed standoff between Jin and Patchy. We know from the Island that Patchy is prone to sudden moves! Jin and Patchy fight and gunshots go off.
Oh snap, Jin shot patchy in the eye. It's cyclical.
Noo! Sun got shot in the stomach...and she's pregnant.
Who is the package?? (Whidmore said it's a person.)
Enough of Jack and Sun's Hallmark moment in the beach!
But wait, is that Smokey playing the role of Jack?!?
Desmond was on the sub! Is he the package??? If so, why is it so important that Jin see him?
Is Desmond a candidate? Or does Whidmore just want him away from Penny?
Would've been nice if the package was Ji Yeon and she is the mystery Kwon.
Next week's episode looks great.
LOST is the best show ever!
Last night's episode was even more of a revelation! Can't wait to see your post. The parallel stories are starting to merge together! What is Desmond going to show the rest of flight 815?
What up Mr B?! I think Desmond is going to be instrumental in getting them to ponder their "past lives" on the island, or something like that, and figure out that something starnge is going on with thier lives...
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