Tuesday, March 30, 2010

LOST: The Final Season: Episode 10: The Package

OK to be honest, I don't have very high expectations for this episode
but here goes:

I guess that's Smokey with the night vision...and how much of people's
conversations has he heard up to this point?

Jin and Sun are released from LAX sans the $25,000. Bummer

Back at the hotel, the tables have turned...it appears that Sun is the
aggressive one of the two and by the way, they're not married. I
guess Jughead changed lots of things before Flight 815.

Whidmore's team shows up and drugs a few people to get Jin.

We learned that Smokey can't leave the island unless all candidates'
names have been crossed out. This is a revelation.

Flocke shows up at Sun's old garden to recruit her. Run, Sun, run!

[Although she's pictured here with Ben...a compassionate Ben?!?]

Oh snap, it's Keamy at Sun's door! But isn't he dead?

Come on now, Sun has been on the island long enough not to run into a
tree. (But at least she ran!)

Whidmore's team has Jin and Flocke is very upset.

Oh snap, they took Jin to Room 23. That's where the Others were
holding Carl.

Oh snap, Zoe's got a stun gun.

Jin demands to see Whidmore.

It appears that Claire is more sane that we were led to believe.

What does Flocke mean Kate's name isn't on the cave wall "anymore?"

Love Sawyer's sarcasm: "Cant you just turn into smoke and fly your $%#
over there?" Flocke says he can't do that. Is it that he can't or is
he afraid that they've erected the pylons Sawyer was talking about?

Where's Hurley...and Richard?

I thought this would be kind of a filler episode but I guess they
can't really afford those with only a few episodes left to the series.

Will Keamy discover Jin wherever he's hiding in the hotel room?

Who's the other goon? I thought these guys were dead.

Oh snap, Keamy made a racist remark: "Feels like I'm in a &*%$ Godzilla

Oh snap, it's Patchy from the Flame Station and he's still a multi linguist!

These cameos are insane!

Sun can't speak English anymore after running into the tree and bumping her head!

Richard's back and he appears to have a plan.

Flocke encounters the pylons and Whidmore's army over on Hydra Island.

Oh snap, Flocke and Whidmore are face to face!

Flocke went to Hydra to get Jin. Whidmore lied and said he doesn't have
Jin. Flocke declares WAR!!!

OK this episode officially rocks.

Richard says they're going to Hydra Island. His plan is kinda
lame...to blow up the plane so Flocke can't leave on it.

Sun's infuriated...tells off Richard in Korean.

Oh snap, this episode was a flashback! It's Keamy and the other dude
at the restaurant when they're killed by Sayid.

This show is ridiculously well done!

Turns out Keamy was supposed to kill Jin for the $25,000 Jin was transporting. Sun's father is COLD!

Keamys gonna freeze Jin to death anyway.

What is the package in the submarine??

Aww, Jin sees Ji Yeon for the first time. Whidmore's playing the fatherhood card.

Whidmore to Jin: "It's time you see the package."

OMG the suspense is extra crazy stupid immense!!

Sayid didn't kill Jin...that's good.

Patchy's pissed that his comrades are dead.

It's an armed standoff between Jin and Patchy. We know from the Island that Patchy is prone to sudden moves! Jin and Patchy fight and gunshots go off.

Oh snap, Jin shot patchy in the eye. It's cyclical.

Noo! Sun got shot in the stomach...and she's pregnant.

Who is the package?? (Whidmore said it's a person.)

Enough of Jack and Sun's Hallmark moment in the beach!

But wait, is that Smokey playing the role of Jack?!?

Desmond was on the sub! Is he the package??? If so, why is it so important that Jin see him?

Is Desmond a candidate? Or does Whidmore just want him away from Penny?

Would've been nice if the package was Ji Yeon and she is the mystery Kwon.

Next week's episode looks great.

LOST is the best show ever!

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

LOST: The Final Season: Episode 9: Ab Aeterno

OK, it’s the moment we’ve been waiting for!

So Ben revealed to everyone that he’s known Richard since he was 12 years old and that he hasn’t aged.

Who is Hurley speaking to in Spanish? Is Jacob multi-lingual?
He says it's not Jacob. Well whoever it is, it's someone who's dead.

Oh snap, Richard’s Puerto Rican?

Who is that playing the wife, Penelope Cruz? Jennifer Beals?

Richard and his wife Isabella were going to The New World so he learned to speak English. Just like Sun learned to speak English to start a new life.

Richard gave all his money to the doctor.
I guess they don’t have universal healthcare.

OK so it turns out Richard killed the doctor by accident.

Oh this is jacked up, they’re gonna hang Richard. It was an accident. Geeze!
Let’s see how he goes from prisoner to the Island.

They were gonna hang him but then he revealed he could speak English. See why it’s important to learn another language?

Looks like Richard is being sold to Magnus Hanso as a slave. Whoa, a throwback to Season 2. So Richard was a slave…I knew it!

The Black Rock is headed to the Island as evidenced by the statue of Taweret. But didn't The Black Rock come to the Island on a sunny day in the finale of Season 4? I will chalk this up to the sudden weather changes on the Island as evidenced by seasons 1-5.

Oh snap, The Black Rock crashed into Taweret! That’s why only one foot is left.

I love this show.

Why is dude killing everyone??
OK, he says because if he doesn’t kill them, they’ll kill him.
It’s obvious Richard is a man of faith from the scenes back with his sick wife, which is an allusion to Locke’s beliefs.

Smokey to Richard’s rescue?!!

Oh snap. OMG. Smokey is killing the slave master’s crew.

Smokey killed the slave master Flight 815 style!!

This episode freaking rocks!!

[Commercial] I can do without the V recap!

OK Nestor Carbonell deserves an Emmy for this physically demanding sequence.

Richard’s seeing dead people…must be Smokey in disguise.

Isabella thinks Smokey is the devil. It’s important to note that she looked into his eyes and all she saw was evil. She’s a credible source because again, it was clear that she and Richard were Christians.

OMG this is heartbreaking! “Isabella! Isabella!”
MIB comes to Richard's aid?
He introduces himself as “a friend.”
Jacob introduced himself to Hurley as "a friend." Hmmm, very interesting...
MIB tells Richard he’s dead.
Is he lying??

MIB says he wants to be free. (That's what he told Sawyer also.)
MIB wants Richard’s help. (Just like he wanted Sawyer's help.)
MIB frees Richard from his chains.

“It’s good to see you out of those chains.”
MIB is clearly using Richard to “kill the devil” who is Jacob.
So he’s lying to Richard because we know MIB is Smokey, which means he was appearing to Richard as Isabella, just like he appears to Jack as Christian Shephard.

My money is on Jacob as “good” and Smokey as “evil” because Smokey doesn’t mind killing people at whim.

So Smokey wants Richard to kill Jacob just like he wanted Ben to kill Jacob.
He’s waited a long long time by the time Ben kills Jacob.

MIB says the same thing Dogon said to Sayid…”if he speaks, it will be too late. Kill him.”

MIB tells Richard the devil has his wife. Richard’s not buying MIB’s spiel.

If the ship crashed into the statue, how did it wind up so inland?

Oh snap, someone’s kicking Richard's &%$...It’s Jacob and he can fight!

"You’re not dead." (Jacob to Richard)
So why does Richard tell the Losties they’re dead if Jacob proved to him that he’s not dead? IS HE WORKING FOR MIB??? But if he is, why is he so petrified when he realizes Flocke is MIB after Ben killed Jacob???

What an awesome episode and what a great show!!!

Damn, it’s 9:53 already?? No more commercials already!

What’s with all these new wack shows? None of them will measure up to LOST so why bother watching?

Will Jacob explain the ash?

Jacob says he’s not the devil. And no one comes in unless he invites them in.

Jacob says he brought the ship to the Island.

The Island is the only thing keeping the darkness (MIB?) where it belongs.

Jacob says MIB believes people will come to the Island and do each other in.
Jacob feels they will get there and help each other out.
So Jacob brings people to the Island to prove that they will do the right thing.

Jacob gives Richard the “job” of representative for people he brings to the Island in the future.

Jacob grants Richard eternal life as requested...Jacob says he can't bring anyone back to life. But wasn't that what the spring at the Temple did?

Richard buries the gold cross in place of Isabella then digs it up in present day.
He says he changed his mind…wants to follow MIB!!


Well at least we know Richard wasn't working for MIB all along if he's saying he changed his mind.

What a beautiful location!

"Your wife sent me!" (Hurley to Richard)

Oh snap, it's Isabella! Is it Smokey or really her?

OK so it turns out Hurley was talking to Isabella at the top of the episode.

Hurley’s Spanish is awesome.

What does she mean “we are already together?” She’s dead. Or does she mean in spirit?

She said Richard has to stop the MIB or they will all go to hell. So the Island is not hell.

OK MIB wants off this Island!

OK so now we understand why MIB wants the candidates dead.

We still don’t know MIB’s name…Is it Esau?

I bet the boards at abc.com are off the HOOK right now!!
Only 7 new episodes until the series finale.

OK this episode is up there in my top 5.

LOST is the best show EVER!!!

Thursday, March 18, 2010

LOST: The Final Season: Episode 8: Recon

Work has been so crazy that I FORGOT TO WATCH LOST AT 9 PM ON TUESDAY NIGHT!!! Well thank goodness for DVRs because I woke up at 3 am and realized what happened so I watched it then.

In the first few minutes of the episode, we learn that Sawyer does not have the sickness that Sayid and Claire have. This is good news.

Recon was a Sawywer-centric episode. In the flash sideways, we learn that Sawyer is a detective with the LAPD and Myles is his partner. He had recently taken some time off to go to Australia and returned on Oceanic flight 815 to return to his job tracking down con men, particularly Anthony Cooper, the man who caused his dad to kill his mom and then himself. There was no insight as to whether he has a daughter or any kind of relationship with her. Funny thing is in LAX, he asked the airport police the meaning of the code they called but if he was a cop, he would have known...or maybe it was just Sawyer being himself.

The cameos were prevalent in that Myles arranges a date between Sawyer and Charlotte. So it appears that Charlotte never went looking for the Island and is alive. The date didn't go so well as Charlotte accidentally discovered the family pic and an article of the murder/suicide.

Sayid is still on the dark side and Claire is still crazy...she tried to kill Kate.

I'm kinda over the cameos in the flash sideways...Sawyer apprehends Kate who is as usual on the run...Get to more of the big questions already.

Flocke sent Sawyer to Hydra Island to check out Whidmore and his team who arrived on the submarine. He's tricked by a woman named Zoe who brings him down into the sub to converse with Whidmore. BIG QUESTION: Why is Whidmore suddenly interested in Flocke and no longer Ben? Is he after them both? And what was the relationship (if any) between Whidmore and Jacob? Whidmore admitted to Sawywer that the freighter crew was sent to kill everyone on the island. Sawyer is now a double agent as he told Whidmore that Flocke would be coming and then told Flocke everything. Saywer clearly thinks one of these guys will get him and Kate off the island.

Well this episode was all well and good but what I'm totally stoked about is next week's Richard-centric episode!!! Finally, we will learn all about the mystery that is Richard Alpert.

How and when did he get to the island? Why wasn't he as close to Jacob as we were led to believe? Is he good or evil? Was he a slave or a slave-master on the Black Rock??? Ab Aeterno definitely promises to be a series-defining episode. The trailer alone was insane! What does Richard mean when he says "All this is not what you think it is" in reference to the Island? Here's to next week...LOST IS THE BEST SHOW EVER!

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

LOST: The Final Season: Episode 7: Dr. Linus

Once again, I am typing while watching this episode:

The excitement is immense.

Please let this episode live up to "Sundown."

I thought Myles was gonna lie for Ben. Kinda glad he didn't because that would be too predictable.

I love Myles's sarcasm. He's like the new Sawyer.

By the way, where is Sawyer?

So in the flash sideways, Ben takes care of his dad instead of killing him.

Wow Ben and his dad were in Dharma just like before and then left the island. Does that means The Purge never happened?

Oh snap, Alex is in Ben's history club. They have a great relationship.

Ilana revealed to Sun that she's a candidate and that one of the 6 will be chosen to replace Jacob. Sun is like whatever girl, where's my husband?

That's cold...Ilana is making Ben dig his own grave.

Is Ben gonna be killed in his own centric episode?

Looks like the textbook Ben's teaching Alex from depicts the Black Rock.

Myles revealed that before he died, Jacob had hoped he was wrong about Ben. That's a biggie because it speaks to the whole good versus evil thing.

Yo Ilana is not playing.

Why would Richard tell Hurley not to believe what Jacob says? Funny how he could turn like that after all their history. Richard also reiterated that his agelessness is due to Jacob's touch. But if Jacob's touch results in agelessness, why wasn't that the case with Kate and Sawyer? They were touched as children. That kinda doesn't sound right...

Ok so Ben is still manipulative in the flash sideways...getting Artz to hack into the faculty email to get evidence of the principal's affair with the school nurse.

Richard returned to his chains on the Black Rock. I knew Smokey's statement was literal.

Richard can't kill himself just like Michael couldn't kill himself.

I think Richard may be testing Jack to see if he has it in him to kill someone. But we already know he is capable because he attempted to shoot Locke at the radio tower after Locke stabbed Naomi but there were no bullets in the gun.

Gotta love Hurleys comic relief.

Ok is Jack crazy? He's gonna blow himself up along with Richard.

Woooooow. They can't die!!!!! The dynamite didn't blow up.

Is Ben gonna be killed by Smokey/MIB/Flocke?

Oh snap! Smokey let Ben go and told him to go the other island a la Season 3.

OK now Ben has the principal by the balls...he's the old Ben we're used to.

Oh snap! Alex's last name is Rousseau which means Danielle could be somewhere in LA.

Ok Ilana is too savvy to have gotten herself in this position...to be held at gunpoint by Ben.

Wow, Ben's speech about why he killed Jacob turned Ilana around and she's willing to work with him.

Too many commercials...seems like more than usual.

I think Ben got played. His basis for blackmail was stronger than the principal's but this also shows that the island is where his true manipulative skills are their strongest.

Has Ben turned over a new leaf...helping Sun, joining forces with Ilana?

I will never trust Ben, not after all that he's done...maybe I'm wrong.

Wow what a touching reunion on the beach with Jack, Hurley, Sun, Myles and Lapidus.

Smokeys gotta be pissed at this point.

Ok who's in the sub?

Oh snap it's Whidmore!!!

The teaser for episode 8 is cryptic...not much info was given.

Good episode all in all I think.


Tuesday, March 2, 2010

LOST: The Final Season: Episode 6: Sundown

So for the first time I'm typing while watching so here goes:

OK, looks like a Sayid-centric episode...he's in a love triangle with Nadia and his brother...seems like Sayid's niece and nephew like him better than their own dad.

I thought from the title that this episode would be about Sun and why she didn't flash back to 1977 last season. Those darn LOST writers!

Why didn't Jin explain to Claire that Kate took Aaron because no one knew where Claire disappeared to?

Is it a wrap for Jin? Will Claire kill him?

Will Claire kill Kate at the Temple?

Come on now Sayid can't kill the MIB...the show would be over!

Is it a wrap for Sayid after Flocke pulled out the dagger?

What a great episode so far!

Will LOST finally win the Emmy for best drama?

Will Sayid fall for Flocke's spiel?

This Nadia stuff is redundant move on already!

What will Smokey do at Sundown?

LOL - Kate has the translator hemmed up!

Does Claire's "sickness" prevent her from rationalizing Kate's actions?

Here we go again with Cablevision and losing channels. ABC?! Oh _____ no!

Can Flocke kill everyone as long as they're in the Temple surrounded by the ash?

Oh snap, it's Keamy! And he's a chef!

Oh snap, Sayid shot the goons including Keamy! Now that's the Sayid I know, just kill 'em all!

Oh snap, it's Jin in the walk in fridge....obviously working for Sun's father.

What awesome writing! This is insane.

Will the last few minutes of this episode follow thru?

What's with the baseball???

Hold up, so The Samurai's son was a music prodigy and a baseball player?

Who/what is the MIB??

Oh snap, Sayid drowned The Samurai!!! And he killed the translator!

I am on the edge of my seat...now that the Samurai is dead, is it a wrap for them all??

What about Kate and Myles??

OMG could this be the best episode ever??!

Ok Sayid's officially evil! Looks like the sickness has officially reached his heart.

Will Sun and Jin be reunited??

So Smokey doesn't know about the secret getaway panel!

Claire kinda sorta helped Kate escape the wrath of Smokey.

Where are Jack and Hurley?

What's this weird music??

What will happen to our Kate??

Hooray for Ilana!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I knew she was important!

It's after 10 pm. Will my DVR stop recording???

Where are they going??? Where is Flocke taking them?

Clearly Smokey isn't thrilled about Kate accompanying them. (Even though she's not on Jacob's list)

Will Ben die next week???

If there are 10 episodes left, and tonites episode was so totally awesome,
what's gonna happen for the rest of the season?

Where's Sawyer? Does he have the illness as do Claire and Sayid?

Check out a sneak peak from next week's episode:


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