This "Last Supper" pic of LOST is a bit sacriligious but totally cool as well. Notice the strategic placement of the characters.
So I watched Season 3 this past weekend and I found it to be a great refresher course on several subsequent things LOST. (Yes, the whole season because that's what weekends are for.) Season 3 is quintessential.
I wanna give a shout out to Mr. B. and the guys from 281 for reading my blog.
What is the true significance of the numbers?
Will Flocke (Fake Locke) kill Sawyer?
Will Sawyer join forces with Flocke?
What will Ilana do with Jacob's ashes?
Did Richard arrive on the Black Rock as a slave? Is that what Flocke meant when he said "It's good to see you out of those chains?" He couldn't have said it as they traveled to the Statue because Richard would have known it wasn't Locke.
How does Walt play into all of the recent developments? After all, he is "special."
Why did Claire show up in the cabin with Jack's father Christian? Is Christian a manifestation of the MIB?
How did Ben control Smokey when he unleashed it on the Freighter Folks if he didn't even know that the MIB is Smokey or who Smokey is?
How does the island wind up under water?
Shout out to my fellow I.S. 68 LOST fans: Lopez and Monaco.
Where is the rest of the statue of the Egyptian goddess Tawaret?
Lost is the best show ever!
I hope the new season of Glee doesn't overlap with Lost.
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