"Lighthouse" was a Jack-centric episode. We learned that JACK HAS A SON in the alternate parallel universe/flash sideways. So the big question is Who's the baby mother? This is huge! I was explaining to a friend that when The Hatch exploded, it changed everything, not just the events of September 22, 2004, i.e. the crash of Oceanic flight 815. Anything could have happened up to that point. Therefore, it is reasonable that Jack had a son. We also leanred that just like Michael and Walt, Jack doesn't seem to know much about his son, namely the fact that his son is a musical prodigy. I think this will be huge in the next few episodes. It's TOO OBVIOUS for Kate to be the mother...that would just be too simple for the complexity of LOST. The Samurai turns up in Jack's flash sideways as the father of a child auditioning for the same music school that Jack's son David is trying to get into.

We caught up with Claire and the BIG REVEAL was that she and Smokey/Flocke/The MIB are "friends." This came much to Jin's surprise being that he is aware that this person is not Locke. How's he gonna get himself out of this situation? Perhaps they will all go back to the Temple. Claire was pretty upset to learn that Kate has been raising Aaron for the last three years. Claire is clearly the new Rousseau. And speaking of Rousseau, her name was on the wheel at the top of the lighthouse. That means she was a candidate.
There weren't too many big reveals in this episode but what was kinda cool was the 360 degree contraption at the top of the lighthouse that dials up candidates' names and shows vignettes from their lives in a mirror. Jack angrily broke the mirrors when he found out that Jacob had been watching him. This was kinda weird...I figured so what? Is it more important to Jack that he was being watched or the reason why he's on the island in the first place? Again, there were numbers attached to the names. There MUST BE more significance to the numbers so we are patiently awaiting that reveal.
However, it is cool that Hurley has ongoing, sporadic communication with Jacob. The Samurai backed off when Hurley told him he was a candidate. So Jacob still gets respect even after his death.
All in all, I was looking for more big reveals in episode 5 but I guess they are coming soon. We were reminded that "Adam and Eve" the two dead bodies in the caves (from season 1) were still laying around and that are obviously two of our Losties. My guess is Rose and Bernard. It could also be Kate and Sawyer. Who knows? I thought that Jack would remind Hurley that it couldn't be the two of them as Hurley suggested because one of them is a female. ABC built enormous anticipation with next week's trailer...
...but they promise that "questions will be answered." Can't wait! LOST is the best show ever!!!
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