So we're 4 episodes into the FINAL SEASON OF
LOST (The best show ever) and I'm just getting around to my reviews. These 4 episodes have thus far answered several important questions and resolved a couple of mysteries, however, the season is just getting started and there are many more enigmas yet to be unveiled.
Season 6, Episodes 1 and 2:
LAX Part 1 and LAX Part 2:
Jack's plan (blowing up Jughead) worked (or did it?) and the Losties arrive safely in Los Angeles. However, they are still on the island at the same time. It's a parallel timeline! First we had flashbacks, then flashforwards. Now it's flash sideways! What is Desmond doing on the plane headed from Sydney to LAX??? He should have been in the Hatch at that time. The producers say we're gonna get all the answers this season but this is another pretty big question right out the gate.
The MIB is the Smoke monster. (
Huge revelation)
The characters keep running into each other at LAX. The Man in Black (Jacob's nemesis) who we met at the end of Season 5 has overtaken John Locke's body and is now on a mission. We learned why there was ash around Jacob's cabin. Juliette and Sayid both die but then Sayid comes back to life after taking a dip in a strange jacuzzi at The Temple under the leadership of some bearded Asian dude who's in charge. Noteworthy are the Egyptian themes and the Kemetic Ankh.
The MIB tells Richard, "It's good to see you out of those chains." Message board fans have linked this to an ancient Greek myth...more on that later.
One more thing...If Juliette's message to Sawyer (via Myles who talks to the dead)was "It worked," how does she
Season 6, Episode 3:
What Kate Does:
So Kate hijacks a cab that Claire (who we haven't seen for quite some time) was in. Claire was on her way to meet the adoptive parents in LA, who we learn are now separated and therefore won't be adopting Aaron. This is aligned with episodes from ealier seasons where it is established that Claire is supposed to raise Aaron and no one else.
Sawyer leaves the Temple and Kate follows him. He has clearly had enough and goes back to his old Dharma house for some quiet time, reflection and mourning. Sayid gets tortured by The Others and Claire shows up at the end very Rousseau-esque with a gun. According to the Asian leader dude, she is infected with the same supposed illness that Sayid now has. Pretty good episode.
Season 6, Episode 4:
The Substitute:
OK so just when we thought we were going to get a Richard-centric episode, turns out it was a MIB (Man in Black) centric episode. We are still in the dark as to why Richard does not age and who he really is. Revealing and amazingly revelatory, we got some insight as to the numbers' significance. We saw Ilana take some of Jacob's ashes and then she, Ben and Sun buried the real John Locke back at the original beach.
The MIB takes Sawyer to a cave (shot at a beautiful cliffside location BTW) where the Losties' names are all over the walls. Some names are crossed out and the MIB states that Jacob brought everyone to the island to see if they were suitable for the job of leader. I enjoyed this episode.
Weekly recaps forthcoming from this point. Lost is the best show ever. This final season has been awesome so far. It's kismet that the show moved from Wednesdays to Tuesdays because I'm now working until 9 pm on Wednesdays.