Look at Daniel, all dazed and confused with no short-term memory. Well now we know why! Where do I start with this 100th episode???
I found it to be well worth the wait. This episode totally delivered. It was Daniel-centric, but we still don't know exactly how he left the island after going back to 1977 and then returned as a consulting scientist for the Swan station. Nevertheless, I enjoyed several moments:
-When Daniel said "Myles is your son" to Dr. Chang.
-When Kate, Daniel and Jack had a shoot out with Dharma security.
-Finding out how Daniel's girlfriend became comatose.
-Jumping back to when Daniel was crying over the news story of 815's found wreckage.
-Learning that Desmond was OK after getting shot.
(Until now, we thought the grocery bag was bullet-proof or something.)
-Learning that Eloise Hawking WAS A HOSTILE!!!
-The anticipation of what would happen if Daniel SHOT Richard Alpert!!!
-Daniel confronting Dr. Chang about the island's catastrophic electromagnetic potential.
-I loved how Kate let Daniel walk through the security fence first!!! LOL
Did she think that perhaps Juliet had given them a fake code?
-Daniel revealing that he is from the future to Dr. Chang.
-Daniel's mother shooting him!!! (WOW WOW WOW)
-So that means Penny and Daniel are brother and sister, just like Jack found out that Claire was his sister.
So the big question is...[drum roll] DID ELOISE HAWKING KNOW THAT THIS WOULD HAPPEN AS DANIEL SAID AS HE LAY DYING??? And why would she want to kill her own son?
-Is Daniel really dead? You know how LOST is...he could be OK next week. Maybe.
-How will our Losties make it back to their beach and "start from square one" as Saywer put it if they are now being held by the Dharma Initiatve?
-Would Daniel's plan to manipulate the VARIABLES and change history have worked had his mother not shot him?
Actually, I guess this had to happen being that the tag line for this season is "Destiny Calls."
OK so all in all, this episode totally rocked. And next week's show looks even better! I thought I caught a glimpse of Sawyer having the cynicism beat out of him in the preview. LOL.
I will venture to say "The Variable" was just as good as "The Constant" in Season 4.
Can't wait till next week's show. Once again, check out the fans' theories at abc.com.
I end several posts with this line, and it's difficult to explain to non-viewers or passers-by, but LOST is the best show ever! These writers are talented beyond belief. The way in which events and themes are connected and intertwined from season to season and character to character is incredible! This is the season of a thousand "Oh, so that's why...(fill in the blank)" moments!
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