Friday, April 3, 2009

LOST Season 5: Episode 11: Whatever Happened, Happened

Whatever Happened, Happened was an excellent Kate-centric episode. The writers continued their clever insertion of questions, ideas and theories that the audience probably has by having Miles and Hurley engage in a discussion on what the heck is going on with the time travel back to 1977. The jury's still out on that one. The definitive explanation must have something to do with Locke turning the wheel but that's all we can (maybe possibly) be sure of.

I'll be the first to admit that I thought young Ben was really shot dead. I never thought he'd survive that gunshot inflicted by Sayid. In true LOST style, he was just seriously injured. It's good to know the show can still surprise me (as it pretty much does each episode) and I still find it interesting and essential viewing week after week.

We now know where Aaron is. Kate dropped him off with his biological grandmother and said she was going back to the island to find Claire. Good luck, Kate.

Jack refused to scrub in on Juliet's inadequate operation on young Ben to repair internal bleeding.

Sawyer pretty much let Kate know that he is with Juliet for the long haul. [For now.]

Sawyer and Kate delivered the critically injured young Ben to the Richard Alpert and the Hostiles as suggested by Juliet. She, of course, has some inside information on the Hostiles from the time she spent with them for several years in the 2000's and hints that they have the ability to heal Ben, although Richard warns Kate that Ben will "lose his innocence."

So this brings us back to the title of this episode. I feel like I missed something...this episode was a little too straightforward the first time watching it, so I'll have to look at it again this weekend.
If whatever happened happened, I'd like to know where our Losties were when The Purge occurred. How could the Losties, as adults, have gone to the island and not remembered being there in the 70's? And shouldn't they have been school-aged children (or younger in Hurley's case) in the 70's?

Questions, questions prevail! Well next week's episode looks amazing...we get to check back in on Locke and Ben back in 2007. Ben said he came back to the island to be judged. By whom? And what is coming out of the forest that he can't control??? (The Smoke Monster?)

To the writers: Where are Desmond Hume and Daniel Faraday and what are they up to?

LOST is the best show ever.

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