The episode in itself was interesting, to say the least. It was Ben/Widmore-centric. We learned that Widmore at some point became the leader of the Hostiles/Others and was then banished under Ben's leadership. We don't know why, though. Again, we saw that Richard was around the same age he's always been all through Widmore growing up to become the leader.
I don't believe that Danielle would let Ben walk away with Alex the way that he did. But then I chalked it up to her not being so island-savvy and skilled at the time Alex was taken as she was when we met her in Season 1. It was weird that she wouldn't have Alex more protected.
In a flashback, we learned how Ben sustained those wounds before Flight 316 and that he was almost successful in killing Penny Widmore. Perhaps he will give up on killing her now that he admits that it's his fault that Alex was killed by Widmore's Rambo-type freighter leader.
Ben talked his way out of being held captive by Ceasar and his cronies and left to go back to the main island with Locke. Ben also talked his way out of why he killed Locke...for now at least. I don't think Locke bought the story. Ben shot Ceasar-this was a complete shocker. Locke led Ben to the place where the Smoke Monster resides so that it could judge Ben for his past actions. Turns out the Smoke Monster and Ben are old friends and Ben walked away free.
It's a good thing that I don't let my confusion or questioning dictate my viewership. I have faith that it will all come together in the end. I must say that this season has been great so far, learning all about the Others and Dharma and all. I still want to know where Faraday is while all this is happening...makes very little sense. I bet he knows how to escape to Tunisia and has left already.
WHAT LIES IN THE SHADOW OF THE STATUE? This question, which Ilana asked Frank Lipidus before she knocks him out, eludes us. I assume she's talking about the ever enigmatic four toed statue. There are some DEFINITE connections to ancient EGYPTIAN history and culture as evidenced by the hieroglyphics in the chambers under the Orchid Station. And what is in the metal box that the "new leaders" are towing?
Next week's show looks like we'll get some answers in what appears to be a Miles-centric episode:
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