Wednesday, April 29, 2009

LOST Season 5: Episode 14: The Variable

First of all, my sister called me at 9:16 pm. You don't do that!

Look at Daniel, all dazed and confused with no short-term memory. Well now we know why! Where do I start with this 100th episode???

I found it to be well worth the wait. This episode totally delivered. It was Daniel-centric, but we still don't know exactly how he left the island after going back to 1977 and then returned as a consulting scientist for the Swan station. Nevertheless, I enjoyed several moments:

-When Daniel said "Myles is your son" to Dr. Chang.
-When Kate, Daniel and Jack had a shoot out with Dharma security.
-Finding out how Daniel's girlfriend became comatose.
-Jumping back to when Daniel was crying over the news story of 815's found wreckage.
-Learning that Desmond was OK after getting shot.
(Until now, we thought the grocery bag was bullet-proof or something.)
-Learning that Eloise Hawking WAS A HOSTILE!!!
-The anticipation of what would happen if Daniel SHOT Richard Alpert!!!
-Daniel confronting Dr. Chang about the island's catastrophic electromagnetic potential.
-I loved how Kate let Daniel walk through the security fence first!!! LOL
Did she think that perhaps Juliet had given them a fake code?
-Daniel revealing that he is from the future to Dr. Chang.
-Daniel's mother shooting him!!! (WOW WOW WOW)
-So that means Penny and Daniel are brother and sister, just like Jack found out that Claire was his sister.

So the big question is...[drum roll] DID ELOISE HAWKING KNOW THAT THIS WOULD HAPPEN AS DANIEL SAID AS HE LAY DYING??? And why would she want to kill her own son?

-Is Daniel really dead? You know how LOST is...he could be OK next week. Maybe.

-How will our Losties make it back to their beach and "start from square one" as Saywer put it if they are now being held by the Dharma Initiatve?

-Would Daniel's plan to manipulate the VARIABLES and change history have worked had his mother not shot him?

Actually, I guess this had to happen being that the tag line for this season is "Destiny Calls."


OK so all in all, this episode totally rocked. And next week's show looks even better! I thought I caught a glimpse of Sawyer having the cynicism beat out of him in the preview. LOL.

I will venture to say "The Variable" was just as good as "The Constant" in Season 4.

Can't wait till next week's show. Once again, check out the fans' theories at

I end several posts with this line, and it's difficult to explain to non-viewers or passers-by, but LOST is the best show ever! These writers are talented beyond belief. The way in which events and themes are connected and intertwined from season to season and character to character is incredible! This is the season of a thousand "Oh, so that's why...(fill in the blank)" moments!

Thursday, April 16, 2009

LOST Theories

LOST viewers and fans are SO CLEVER in their theories.
Visit by clicking here and go to community, message boards, LOST.

Also check out for the comprehensive LOST experience.
There are things on there that even avid viewers miss.

WARNING: You may find yourself on either of these sites for extended periods of time, thereby forsaking your everyday responsibilities.


Wednesday, April 15, 2009

LOST Season 5: Episode 13: Some Like It Hoth

What an excellent episode! Once again, we got to be a fly on the wall for a conversation that any two viewers of the show would probably have while trying to make sense out of everything as Hurley and Miles spoke to each other.

Miles is the latest character to have "daddy issues" (i.e. Kate, Jack, Sawyer, etc.) and this episode gave us a good idea as to why. According to Miles's mom, his father left them, but at least the adult Miles got a chance to see himself as a baby listening to a story being read by his dad. In brilliant LOST style, the book was called Me and my Polar Bear.

Hurley shared that he "talks to dead people" just as Miles can, but in a very different way as we have seen when Hurley chats with Mr. Ecko and Charlie. Miles communicates with the deceased while the body is still there. Dead people actually come and visit Hurley. There was a connection to the uber electromagnetic pull of the island which killed the worker whose tooth filling sliced through his brain. This was the body being transported by Miles and that relayed that information.

We have a special next week, but in two weeks, we will see the "explosive 100th episode." I think I might invite my LOSTIE friends over for that one.

As a cliffhanger, we saw Sawyer knock out the guy who watched the surveillance tape in which Kate and Sawyer appear taking young Ben to the Others to be healed.

Other brilliant things about this episode:
-the return of the great looking Naomi as she recruited Miles.
-Seeing the construction of the original hatch, the Swan Station.
-Seeing the construction of the Orchid Station.
-Hurley stating the last number in the sequence (42) to Miles's amazement.
-The question asked to Miles by the guys who picked him up on the street which we heard for the first time last week: WHAT LIES IN THE SHADOW OF THE STATUE?
-even better-the information that if he doesn't know the answer to that question that he's "not ready to go to that island."
-I KNOW you all saw the Egyptian notes on the chalk board in the Dharma classroom!!!

This episode was insane! Off the hook! Well done!

QUESTION: Now that Daniel's back, where are Rose and Bernard and them?

Can't wait for the 100th episode!
The special, not so much...unless there's some new information to be gathered. I'm going to watch it, of course.

Check out the trailer for next week's special and episode 14 (airing 4/29/09) which is Daniel-centric, entitled "The Variable:"

LOST is the best show ever!

Sunday, April 12, 2009

Now that I've learned... to embed video from YouTube, here's a very cool recap of seasons 1-3 of LOST, the greatest show ever:

Friday, April 10, 2009

LOST Season 5: Episode 12: Dead is Dead

I don't know how to take episode 12, Dead is Dead. Why then do we constantly see those who have been killed? Is Christian Shephard dead? He was dead from the very first episode and yet he's popped up in every season since. And what about Claire? I have mixed feelings about this one. It was kinda all over the place and so are my reactions:

The episode in itself was interesting, to say the least. It was Ben/Widmore-centric. We learned that Widmore at some point became the leader of the Hostiles/Others and was then banished under Ben's leadership. We don't know why, though. Again, we saw that Richard was around the same age he's always been all through Widmore growing up to become the leader.

I don't believe that Danielle would let Ben walk away with Alex the way that he did. But then I chalked it up to her not being so island-savvy and skilled at the time Alex was taken as she was when we met her in Season 1. It was weird that she wouldn't have Alex more protected.

In a flashback, we learned how Ben sustained those wounds before Flight 316 and that he was almost successful in killing Penny Widmore. Perhaps he will give up on killing her now that he admits that it's his fault that Alex was killed by Widmore's Rambo-type freighter leader.

Ben talked his way out of being held captive by Ceasar and his cronies and left to go back to the main island with Locke. Ben also talked his way out of why he killed Locke...for now at least. I don't think Locke bought the story. Ben shot Ceasar-this was a complete shocker. Locke led Ben to the place where the Smoke Monster resides so that it could judge Ben for his past actions. Turns out the Smoke Monster and Ben are old friends and Ben walked away free.

It's a good thing that I don't let my confusion or questioning dictate my viewership. I have faith that it will all come together in the end. I must say that this season has been great so far, learning all about the Others and Dharma and all. I still want to know where Faraday is while all this is happening...makes very little sense. I bet he knows how to escape to Tunisia and has left already.

WHAT LIES IN THE SHADOW OF THE STATUE? This question, which Ilana asked Frank Lipidus before she knocks him out, eludes us. I assume she's talking about the ever enigmatic four toed statue. There are some DEFINITE connections to ancient EGYPTIAN history and culture as evidenced by the hieroglyphics in the chambers under the Orchid Station. And what is in the metal box that the "new leaders" are towing?

Next week's show looks like we'll get some answers in what appears to be a Miles-centric episode:

Friday, April 3, 2009

High School Musical Rehearsals

We're down to the wire! Get'cha Head in the Game!!!

Rehearsal will begin on Monday, April 6th at 3:20 pm sharp!

We expect everyone to be focused and ready to learn Stick to the Status Quo right from the start of practice. This is a major number that includes just about everyone so please be on point and prepared to follow instructions.

We are also looking for seniors from all three academies to join the cast.

Lastly, you need to be off book by April 20th.
That means no scripts. Learn and memorize your lines!!!

LOST Season 5: Episode 11: Whatever Happened, Happened

Whatever Happened, Happened was an excellent Kate-centric episode. The writers continued their clever insertion of questions, ideas and theories that the audience probably has by having Miles and Hurley engage in a discussion on what the heck is going on with the time travel back to 1977. The jury's still out on that one. The definitive explanation must have something to do with Locke turning the wheel but that's all we can (maybe possibly) be sure of.

I'll be the first to admit that I thought young Ben was really shot dead. I never thought he'd survive that gunshot inflicted by Sayid. In true LOST style, he was just seriously injured. It's good to know the show can still surprise me (as it pretty much does each episode) and I still find it interesting and essential viewing week after week.

We now know where Aaron is. Kate dropped him off with his biological grandmother and said she was going back to the island to find Claire. Good luck, Kate.

Jack refused to scrub in on Juliet's inadequate operation on young Ben to repair internal bleeding.

Sawyer pretty much let Kate know that he is with Juliet for the long haul. [For now.]

Sawyer and Kate delivered the critically injured young Ben to the Richard Alpert and the Hostiles as suggested by Juliet. She, of course, has some inside information on the Hostiles from the time she spent with them for several years in the 2000's and hints that they have the ability to heal Ben, although Richard warns Kate that Ben will "lose his innocence."

So this brings us back to the title of this episode. I feel like I missed something...this episode was a little too straightforward the first time watching it, so I'll have to look at it again this weekend.
If whatever happened happened, I'd like to know where our Losties were when The Purge occurred. How could the Losties, as adults, have gone to the island and not remembered being there in the 70's? And shouldn't they have been school-aged children (or younger in Hurley's case) in the 70's?

Questions, questions prevail! Well next week's episode looks amazing...we get to check back in on Locke and Ben back in 2007. Ben said he came back to the island to be judged. By whom? And what is coming out of the forest that he can't control??? (The Smoke Monster?)

To the writers: Where are Desmond Hume and Daniel Faraday and what are they up to?

LOST is the best show ever.

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