20. Why do people wait until it's their turn to order and act like they don't know what's on the menu at Dunkin' Donuts in the morning when I'm racing against the clock just trying to get to school on time?
19. Why do most students have phones that cost 3 times as much as mine?
18. Should we be worried about December 21, 2012?
17. Why do I wait until I can't see out of my car windows before I decide to get a car wash?
16. Why haven't the people who used to live in my house changed their address and I keep getting all their very important notices, documents and legal correspondence?
15. How many observation reports will I type this weekend?
14. Why does it take 20 minutes to drive two blocks when you turn off of Flatlands onto Rockaway?
13. Why does the French bread pizza in the cafeteria always appear undercooked?
12. How am I going to get the dancers in this year's play to master that extremely difficult basketball routine for "Get'cha Head in the Game?"
11. Why did everyone hype up NOTORIOUS and it was just OK? [ I gave it a level 2]
10. How much does a PS3 cost and does Circuit City have cheaper ones because they're going out of business?
9. Should I take an international trip for summer vacation or keep it stateside?
8. Are there really mermaids in Haiti?
7. How come you can't park on the average block in the city unless it's a Tuesday at 4:03 am while wearing a green and yellow polka dot shirt with orange socks standing on one foot singing the National Anthem in a snowstorm?
6. What are they gonna do with all the former Guantanamo Bay detainees?
5. Why do people come into my office and see my huge Harry Potter collection and ask, "Do you like Harry Potter?"
4. Why am I hanging on to my collection of VHS movies and vinyl records?
3. When is Lauryn Hill coming out with a new CD?
2. Why haven't I ever seen the draw bridge on the Belt Parkway open?
1. If Obama's stimulus package is approved and implemented, won't people use it to pay down some debt instead of what it's intended for, which is to go out and buy new stuff?
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