If you're like me, you are totally stoked about the January 21st premiere of season 5 of LOST on ABC. I've been watching TV for quite some time now and I must say that LOST is the best show ever. No other show is or has ever been as intriguing, engaging, entertaining or so cleverly written. Based on the finale of season 4, the season 5 premiere is going to be insane.
I showed about 20 minutes of the very first episode to the Academy II staff a few years ago to illustrate the similarities to teaching and managing the classroom. (This was when the plane crash survivors collect themselves on the bloody, fiery wreckage strewn beach and our hero Jack literally runs around making sense out of everything and puts things together). There are a lot of leadership themes in the show. Since then, so many storylines and plot twists and turns have transpired on the show, I'd have to blog every day a few times a day just to catch you up in case you aren't an avid fan. So to my fellow IS 68 LOSTIES like Ms. Lopez, Mr. Probert and Mr. Monaco, clear your schedules for January 21st at 8 pm for the premiere event.
The biggest questions are:
How will the Oceanic 6 return to the island? (With Locke's corpse in tow.)
How can Ben return if he was the one who moved the island?
Or is Ben just lying again, which he does so well?
Will this season rely on flashbacks or flashforwards?
What is the true fate of Michael and Jin?
Is Claire dead?
Will Aaron's grandmother discover that Aaron is Claire's son and not Kate's?
And what's with Charlie and Mr. Ecko (who are dead) showing up and talking to Hurley?
LOST is the best show ever.
Yes, I am a fellow Lostie, as Mr. Herring mentioned, and I am anxiously awaiting our weekly Lost discussions! I can't wait till the 21st!
Are you going to recap each episode here on your blog, Mr Herring?
Greetings, fellow Lostie!. I won't be recapping each episode, rather, I'll mention several key happenings from all four seasons.
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