Wednesday, March 25, 2009

LOST Season 5: Episode 10: He's Our You

OK so this episode was definitely Sayid-centric, just as this season as a whole is Dharma Initiative and Hostiles-centric. As the picture suggests, this installment was quite an explosive one. Like last week, the last few moments were mind-blowing. Sayid's struggle with self-worth and his "true nature" [as a killer?!] was at the forefront. He eagerly and unapologetically kills a helpless chicken back in Iraq as a young boy as the episode opens. Later in the episode, we understand how Sayid came to be on flight 316. One question is why he would fall for the sexy femme fatale character a second time. Turns out this was Lana, the one who was escorting him a la Kate and the marshall.

There were a couple of moments when we thought Sawyer's cover would be blown when Sayid is given the truth serum by Dharma's resident torturer from whom the episode gets its name. It was fun to watch the Dharma folks' reactions of amazement and confusion as Sayid named a few of the stations and their purpose! This was chalked up to too much serum.

Juliet told Kate in a nice way to "stay away" from Sawyer (or LaFluer, if you will).
Kate kinda sorta expressed to Sawyer that she only came back to the island for him. (Aaaaw!)

Sayid shot the young Ben and knocked Jin out while fleeing the Dharma camp.

Now if Daniel said that the past can't be changed, WHAT IS GOING ON???
And on that note, WHERE IS DANIEL???
There are definitely more questions now than ever.
How will the ADULT Ben in 2007 be affected by the ADOLESCENT Ben's death in 1977???
How will Kate, Jack, Hurley, Sawyer, Myles, and Juliet's true identity remain a secret?
And where are Sun and Locke???

Maybe next week we'll find out what Ceasar was doing going to Guam.

So far, this season is sick! LOST is the best show to ever hit the small screen.

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