Tuesday, March 24, 2009

LOST Season 5: Episode 9: Namaste

Episode 8 was mindblowing. Going a week without a new episode was worth the wait. Jack, Kate, Hurley and Sayid showed up unscathed after the crash of flight 316. Sun, Locke and Ben remained in 2007 while the aforementioned went to 1977 with Sawyer (or Lafleur), Juliet, Jin and Miles. Sawyer thought quickly on his feet and smuggled them in as new Dharma recruits. The lies continue. And what is up with Christian Shephard showing up at the Dharma dock in 2007 when Sun and Lapidus get there? And where's Claire?

Meanwhile, we keep running into younger versions of adults that we have met. This time, the shocker was young Ben coming in to meet a captive Sayid in a holding cell. We're also getting a lot of inside information about the Dharma Initiative and how they run their portion of the island.

The writing and storylines just keep getting better. I think this is the best season yet. Can't wait to see the rest of the story behind Widmore being one of the original hostiles as well as the full story on the giant statue. Here's looking forward to the next episode.

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