Rose and Bernard have been chillin' in the jungle.
Lapidus is alive...fooled us all.
Miles and Richard plan on blowing up the Ajira plane.
I thought it was already rigged with C4.
Kate trecks across the island with a major flesh wound.
This is when the episode got good: the face off between Jack and MIB:
Jack says "I'm gonna kill you."
Flocke says "How do you expect to do that?"
Jack says "It's a surprise."
Flocke says "Then let's get on with it."
And it's only 9:35!
Oh snap! Juliette is the mother of Jack's son!

I was wrong last week when I guessed that it was Anna Lucia.
Juliette walks right by Sawyer.
When Jack, Desmond & Flocke go ahead of everyone else, I'm thinking don't kill Hurley, Kate & Sawyer.
But why lead flocke to the light?
I don't get it.
Did Jack just want to get it over with?
If that was the case, he shouldn't have volunteered for the job.
I just don't get how leading MIB to the light tunnel was necessary for doing the job of protector.
I mean I kinda get it but this was unnecessary. Flocke and Desmond could have gone alone.
What's with the alternate universe? What's going on in LA?
Again we hear (this time from Jack) "Whatever happened, happened."
What is the point of lowering Desmond down the light well? What is Flocke's plan?
[Love the comedic LOST-themed Target commercials.]
I hope all this Hurley/Sayid stuff is not just to kill time.
Oh snap it's Shannon!
Yeah Sayid and Shannon's relationship was special but what about Nardia?
I guess Sayid has mourned Nardia and is moving on.
Ok Claire is back on crazy mode back on Hydra Island.
I wonder if Walt will show up...I doubt it.
Will Flocke push Jack down the light well???
Wow. It's so cyclical. The shot of Jack and Locke looking down a deep hole, a la the hatch.
What can Desmond do down the light well to thwart Flocke's plan?
He says he knows he has to walk towards where the light is brightest.
How did he know to unplug the huge ancient stopper thingy??
Why was there no flashback when Daniel and Charlotte touched?
How fitting: they're at table 23.
Of course Claire's having contractions at the concert. Of course.
What a gruesome scene at the light source. Who are those others who were there at one point?
Ok WHAT did Desmond just do???? This scene is riveting!
Both Jack and Flocke say they must have been wrong and then they tussle leading to Flocke's bloody lip.
This must mean Flocke is no longer immortal?
Was Flocke immortal? Can he be killed?
Uh oh. Eloise is pissed that Desmond went through with this plan.
Back to cyclical: Kate will deliver Claire's baby.
OK that was the quickest delivery ever but beautifully cut with the island birth.
OK that baby is like 5 months old. Again, good weaving of past and present.
Ok is this the rain storm that will flood the island?
What a commercial cliffhanger: Jack jumping through the air at Flocke!! That was sick.
Kate to Flocke as she shoots him: "I saved you a bullet!"
YES!!! Kate to Jacks rescue!
What did Flocke mean when he says "You're too late" to Jack?
This is crazy...Jack kills Flocke and saves Locke.
Ok so we have an explanation for Jack's weird cuts on his neck.
The flashbacks to the island between Jack and Locke are well done.
What does Locke mean "You don't have a son?"
What ever happened to that storyline about Jack's tattoos?
Somehow Kate saying "It's over" feels like it's just beginning.
OK so Jin and Sun have realized their connection.
Will the Ajira plane blow up when Lapidus starts it???
What happened to Desmond?
Why is the island shaking violently?
What if the runway they were building in season 3...Nah!!!
Is the Ajira plane still rigged to blow?
OK what's with the Jack and Kate kiss?
Aww, it's a Juliette and Sawyer moment at the vending machine
OK the greatest flashback sequence goes to these two!!
Let's see if Jack and Kate's flashback moment rivals Sawyer and Juliette's.
OK if they all die on the island, is it supposed to appease us that they're alive and well in LA?
Jack and Hurley's "It's supposed to be you" moment is tender and touching.
Jack will transfer protectorship to Hurley.
What will Jack encounter down the well??
The Ajira plane turned on without blowing up...so Flocke removed all of the C4?
Let's hope Desmond hasn't become another smoke monster.
The island is going down!
How can two of the same people exist in the same universe?
Ok if Jack dies after replugging the ancient stopper thingy, that would suck.
OMG as the plane is taking off I'm at the egde of my seat!!!!
That's jacked that Jack and Hurley are left behind on the island.
But we know the island sinks so...
Oh snap, wait a minute...the light came back on at the bottom of the well.
Hurley and Ben pull up Desmond...
Will Jack become the new Smokey???
It looks like they're all going to the Lamp Post station after the concert.
Ben's there?
And he apologizes to Locke.
And Locke forgives him.
Ok Locke can walk again
Did Jack become the light?
Hurley is the new protector officially.
IMO since his first episode until now, Ben is too all over the place as a character.
He's too fickle. As the leader of the Others he was horrible to the Losties for years.
Fast forward to season 6 and he wanted to help Ilana.
Then he joined Flocke and is willing to kill any and everyone Flocke says.
Now he wants to help Hurley protect the island?
Ok so perhaps they all can't exist at the same time and place.
Jack wakes up in the same place where Smokey woke up in Across The Sea.
Ok I need to process this Chrsitian and Jack post-humous reunion.
Oh snap! Everyones dead!
So if Hurley's dead who's protecting the island?
OK, so there are lots of people around the world who didn't like the series finale.
I thought it was pretty good and the writers did a good job of bringing it all together.
I am not in love with how it all ends, but I will accept it.
Jack winds up dying after replugging the ancient stopper thingy.
He goes back to the bamboo field where the show first started.
Hurley and Ben protect the island for some time until they wind up in LA at the ghost reunion.
Christian Shephard tells Jack that everything on the island really happened.
This is what makes the series worthwhile for me, despite the whole ghost/alternate universe never happened/they're all dead thing.
I will be editing this post throughout the next few days...
1 comment:
Ok, so i didn't get a chance to watch the season finale (i actually had to take a break from Lost for about 2 years...just too much I had to think about and just wanted the answer!-i know, LAZY). So what you are saying is that they were all dead from the get go and this was some kind of purgatory? Darn it! i'm still confused!! And I did get a chance to see the flashback for Sawyer and the blonde (can't think of her name right now)...it was magical!!! Great Blog!
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