Tuesday, April 20, 2010

LOST: The Final Season: Episode 13: The Last Recruit

A LOST recap: What a fitting occasion for my 100th post!

This was one crazy episode. The end is so near yet it seems so far what with everything that went on tonight:

Involuntary Pact
So according to Claire, what the Samauri and Jacob said is true in that once MIB talks to you, you're under his command. Is there any more "free will" once MIB has said "Hello?"

We witnessed several run-ins back in LA: Sawyer and Kate, Desmond and Claire, Ben and Locke, Jack and Claire, Sawyer and Sayid. I think this is the most of any one episode so far.

Whidmore wants Desmond back!
To what lengths will Whidmore go to retrieve Desmond from MIB? We know Desmond is of great value to Whidmore after the electromagnetic experiment.

Oh snap, it's Ilana and she looks great!
Last week she blew herself up. This week she's presiding over Christian Shephard's will.
The interesting thing here is that back on the island as well as in LA, she has some involvelment in bringing Jack and Claire together.

It's weird to see Jack out of a leadership position.
Sawyer thinks quickly on his feet and pulls a plan together.
MIB seems to be making snap decisions...all in an effort to get on the Ajira plane.
The question is, did MIB know Sawyer made that plan to gather the Losties and take the boat to the sub?
Sawyer's plan seems just too crazy to work...

OK what's up with this guy?
He was used by Ben as a sharpshooting hitman back in season 4 and now he's being used by MIB.
I wonder if his evil side is somehow at war with any sanity he may have left?

His humor and sarcasm are at a high...the Burt Reynolds comment about Lapidus and attributing Claire's transformation to "drinking Locke's kool aid." LOL

Will evil crazy jungle Claire thwart Sawyers plan?
Did Sayid kill Desmond?
OK this is very Harry Potter-esque. Is it Kate's true love that heals Claire and makes her put the gun down?
OK is this the only office building in LA? Everyone's there!
It's too quiet on this boat. Is something about to go down?

Jack's leadership and reasoning returns! He makes a lot of sense with his rationale to literally jump ship a-la Sawyer out of the helicopter because MIB probably doesn't want any of them to stay. What if he doesn't leave the island? And can any of the Losties be killed if they're on the list?

Sun and Jin
Sun's resilient baby survived the shooting.
Oh snap, seeing Jin cured Sun's English problem!
Who else thought the pylons were on and would harm Jin and Sun???
What a heartfelt reunion... [Although this moment does not rival the emotional impact of the Desmond/Penny phone call in The Constant from season 4.]

Hydra Island
Zoe, aka Evil Tina Fey has orders to detain the Losties while Whidmore's cronies try and blow up MIB from afar. OMG Whidmore is not playing with his long range bombs. There has got to be a Whidmore/Ben showdown coming up. The series should not end without one good face off between these two.

Next Steps
Will the question about the original Losties' mortality be answered in the next couple of episodes?
Hopefully not.
How will Desmond play into all of this?
Is the submarine even still there and is it in operable condition?
Does Zoe have orders to kill them all?
Does Whidmore value the Losties as much as he values Desmond?
What will happen next week?

Check out the latest cryptic trailer for next week's episode, "The Candidate:"

LOST is the best show ever!

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