I thought this episode was going to be Richard-centric. I guess you could describe it as such. I don't know...this one just might be the most disappointing of the season for me. Not that it was bad, I just thought we'd come to understand the eternal youth of Richard and how long he's been on the island. It was actually Richard/Locke-centric. Honestly, not much happened really....no major developments. We saw Daniel's mother think twice about the fact that she killed him without thinking first and then try to make sense out of the Losties being from the future.
Then we saw a cool underwater tunnel where Richard and the young Eloise brought Jack and Sayid to get to the hydrogen bomb called Jughead.
Mr. Chang finally accepted Myles as his son and the fact that Myles and Hurley are from the future.
I guess we did learn one thing: We now know that the incident was what really made Dharma leave in the first place. But what will happen to Juliet and Saywer? Will they board the submarine? Are they leaving the island? We shall see.
This episode was kinda about leadership...we saw Locke reclaim his leadership position after coming back from the dead. Then he said he's going to kill Jacob. Yeah right. You probably can't kill Jacob! So as the show ended, Locke is leading all the Others to Jacob's creepy cabin.
Tomorrow is the finale. All of LOST's season finales are insanely good so I'm sure I will be more thrilled with it than I was with episode 15. This is still my favorite show!!! I still love the show and it's still the best show ever!
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