Thursday, February 12, 2009

LOST Season 5: Episode 5: This Place is Death

Last night's episode of LOST was very well done. The flashes were happening right and left. We found out a little more about Danielle Rousseau and what happened to her team of scientists. Turns out she shot them, which is different from the "sickness" that she said they got when she recorded the sixteen year old message. Ben continued to try and rally up the Oceanic 6. They all wound up at a church to meet Mrs. Hawking (pictured here). Desmond showed up too? Does he have to return to the island as well?

I enjoyed the scene in which Jin struggles to communicate with the French...very well written and executed.

Turns out Mrs. Hawking is Daniel Faraday's mother. Charlotte is the first casualty of the season. We did learn that she was indeed born on the island. This was hinted at in season 4 when she said she spent a lot of time "trying to get back." Locke found his way to the wheel where Jack's father was waiting for him. Locke turned the wheel and will probably wind up in LA next week.

This was an excellent episode. Mrs. Hawking turned out to be much more important than we probably figured when we first met her in London and she told Desmond not to buy the engagement ring for Penny. I particularly enjoyed last night's episode in High Definition. The colors seemed to pop a little more than usual. All in all, excellent episode. Can't wait until next week when we're off from school. Mrs. Hawking is going to explain how to get back to the island. Best show ever!

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