Episode 7 was very informative. I'm leaning more towards Charles Widmore being a "good guy" after this episode. That is, until the true nature of the original Hostiles is revealed or we get a little more information on how he became as powerful as he is.
Matthew Abaddon was killed by Ben also. If he was a bad enough guy for Ben to kill him, was it just to finish getting rid of all of Whidmore's constituents or is Widmore just as equally immoral and "bad" as Ben [who is most probably likely maybe definitely bad] and they're just two bad guys trying to outdo each other at the expense of the Losties?
I guess I was wrong in assuming that Ceasar, the new guy, is of Middle Eastern descent. He had a Spanish accent and Ceasar is to Latinos as Day-Shawn is to African Americans. Lana, the woman who was escorting Sayid, seemed kinda Spanish too. It's unclear whether their leadership roles are accidental or if they're key characters for the remainder of the season. Next week, Kate and Sawyer will reunite. Can't wait for that...or will they get glimpses of each other at the very end of the episode as the screen fades to black?
Question: Why didn't Locke survive Ben strangling him just like Michael couldn't die when he returned to New York?
I love this show, but the locations in Santa Monica, California and New York City in this episode were unmistakenly Hawaii. You could see mountains in the background during the car crash scene. They were tropical moutains, not North American ones. And there's no white colonial style edifice on 67th Street and 8th Avenue! [By the way, Walt looks about 21 years old now.] They did a much better job making Hawaii look like the Middle East when Sayid went to bury Nadia. I'm just saying...but LOST is STILL the best show ever!!